Prat Pons es cada vez más uno de esos artistas que se imponen naturalmente por originalidad y oficio, por poesía y espontaneidad, por la música silenciosa de la brillante ejecución y por la humanidad de sus imágenes.
Armando Alvarez Bravo
Kurt Schwitters was the old vintage wine; Jordi Prat Pons is nothing less than the new wine.
Enrique Gené
Buenos Aires
Ens trobem doncs davant una exposició que sols pot merèixer el qualificatiu de magnífica. Una mostra de capacitat creativa , tècnica i compositiva , capaç de donar com a resultats unes peces que depassen els nivells que podríem dir d’ofici , per assolir uns nivells artístics absolutament estimables que han de col·locar definitivament , si és que no hi estava , a Jordi Prat en lloc de privilegi entre els artistes del nostre entorn més proper.
Pere Pascual
Jordi Prat Pons performs his work with a masterful wink to sculpture. From pieces of billboards, posters and newspapers, Prat Pons creates a textured universe that seems to give life to their creations, giving them an amazing contemporaneity, especially when the underlying theme of the painting has a great classical form as seen in his series about classical sculptures. Another feature to highlight the work of Prat Pons is the artist's desire to dignify unused objects and icons, as the series of advertising posters from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Approaching in a conceptual way to the hyper-realism, he exalts everyday objects forgotten by time. It is possible to see a turn towards pop art, but the absence in his works of any criticism to the mass market and to the uncontrolled consumption, indicates that the path followed is another.
Victor Lope
I giochi pittorici di volumi di Jordi Prat Pons, ottenuti attraverso una pittura magistrale accmpagnata da complicati collagi di "etichette", potrebbero essere definiti per semplificazione come approccio moderno alla "natura morta" o meglio "still life" di fin de siecle .
Michele Vitulano Bari